So in the interests of satisfying curiosity once-and-for-all we have gathered together the #GrowingUpWithCurlyHair images shared on Twitter that best encapsulate life with curls.
The Questions
1. Why don't you brush your hair?
#GrowingUpWithCurlyHair this is why we don't brush our hair
— Molly (@mollyrogerss) July 31, 2015
Having your hair wreck every brush you buy in six months or less. #GrowingUpWithCurlyHair
— la[rniea]nni (@LarnieaOfNarnia) July 28, 2015
2.Why won't you leave the house with wet hair?
curly hair + wind
— denise (@deniisemejiia_) July 29, 2015
3. So why don't you blow dry your hair?
#GrowingUpWithCurlyHair Your hair takes so long to blow dry you have to take a break halfway through. @CurlyProbs
— Destiny Russell (@destinyruss) August 6, 2015
4. Ok, so how about you wash your hair the night before?
Going bed with wet hair and waking up like this #growingupwithcurlyhair
— megan (@megxjones_) July 28, 2015
5. But if you plait your hair before bed problem solved, right?
#GrowingUpWithCurlyHair braiding your hair before going to sleep and expecting the left photo but getting the right
— maia (@somanymaias) July 28, 2015
Things Only Curly-Haired People Will Understand
In the Hairdressers: What We Say Vs What We Think
6. Why don't you want to go on holiday to Italy/Greece/The Seychelles/*insert name of humid country here*?
#growingupwithcurlyhair my life
— Mariah Garza (@mariah_garza24) July 28, 2015
7. Why don't you just try something new?
#growingupwithcurlyhair *watches hair tutorial* "now this type of up do is compatible with any type of hair"
— Bahar بهار (@bahar_frd) August 9, 2015
8. Don't you know how lucky you are? People pay to have hair like yours.
#growingupwithcurlyhair "You're so lucky!!!" "You have no idea how much people pay to have hair like yours!!!!"
— Aurora 姫 (@AuroraNC_305) August 4, 2015
9. Can I feel your hair?
"i wish i had you hair straight hair is boring"
"let me feel your hair!"
"its like a cloud!"
— HE FOLLOWED ME (@bieberveils) August 4, 2015
#growingupwithcurlyhair "OH MY GOD ITS SO PRETTY" *goes to grab it w/out asking*
— Yung Medusa (@YXNGMEDUSA) July 29, 2015