For the ten millionth time: STOP PAINTING WHITE PEOPLE BLACK!
We were hoping we wouldn't see another instance of Blackface in 2013 -- or the rest of all eternity, for that matter -- but thanks to Metal magazine that sadly isn't the case.
In this latest example of racially insensitive debauchery, the Barcelona-based publication painted male model Abel Van Oeveren's face entirely black for it's "Transmission" feature in the Fall/Winter 2013 issue. The editorial, which was shot by Johnny Dufort and styled by John Colver, gives no indication as to why they opted for the paint job -- although there is never a valid excuse for the offensive act.
Nevertheless, the fashion industry (and beyond) can't seem to resist bronzing, painting and dipping themselves in a darker hue.
In 2013 alone we saw Vogue Netherlands and Numéro magazine produce Blackface features. And we definitely can't forget fashion designer Allesandro Dell’Acqua and Elle France's beauty editor, Jeanne Deroo, dressing up in minstrel-inspired ensembles.
Just make it STOP!
We were hoping we wouldn't see another instance of Blackface in 2013 -- or the rest of all eternity, for that matter -- but thanks to Metal magazine that sadly isn't the case.
In this latest example of racially insensitive debauchery, the Barcelona-based publication painted male model Abel Van Oeveren's face entirely black for it's "Transmission" feature in the Fall/Winter 2013 issue. The editorial, which was shot by Johnny Dufort and styled by John Colver, gives no indication as to why they opted for the paint job -- although there is never a valid excuse for the offensive act.
Nevertheless, the fashion industry (and beyond) can't seem to resist bronzing, painting and dipping themselves in a darker hue.
In 2013 alone we saw Vogue Netherlands and Numéro magazine produce Blackface features. And we definitely can't forget fashion designer Allesandro Dell’Acqua and Elle France's beauty editor, Jeanne Deroo, dressing up in minstrel-inspired ensembles.
Just make it STOP!