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Best Lighting For Selfies: Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner And Alessandra Ambrosio's Secret Revealed

Victoria's Secret angel Alessandra Ambrosio caused a bit of a stir on Instagram when she posted her latest selfie..

Not because she didn't look her usual stunning self, but due to the fact some eagle-eyed fans spotted the secret behind why her pictures always look so flawless (aside from her being a world famous supermodel and all).

A photo posted by @alessandraambrosio on

Look closely at the photo... do you spot it? That's a very nifty lighting set up she's got going on reflected in the mirror in the background.

And Ambrosio's not the only celebrity who swears by flattering lighting when taking photos of themselves.

Kim Kardashian recently revealed it's her number one selfie tip (and she did release a whole book of the things), often using a light-up phone case called a LuMee to ensure her shots are perfect even when she's on the go.

A photo posted by LumeeCase (@lumeecase) on

Sister Kylie Jenner is also a fan of super bright lights - sharing a photo of her own beauty ring light mirror that she keeps in her glam room.

The 18-year-old reality star revealed the lights are also perfect for ensuring her foundation correctly matches her skin tone.

A photo posted by King Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

Lots of celebs, like Jenner's supermodel pal Gigi Hadid, are fans of taking selfies when they're finished in the makeup artist's chair.

This is often the ideal time to take a snap, as the bright bulbs around dressing room mirrors are nearly as powerful as the stuff used on the actual photoshoots (to make sure the hair and makeup is camera ready).

A photo posted by Gigi Hadid (@gigihadid) on

Look deep into the eyes of most celebs, models beauty bloggers... and most likely you'll see the tell-tale bright reflections of their lighting set up.

Want to try it out at home? While sadly LuMee phone cases aren't available in the UK yet, Amazon has a great range of clip on phone lighting and more extravagant set ups to keep in your home.


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