H&M has reportedly removed its plus size range from all 11 stores in New York, US.
Unable to find any plus size clothing in H&M stores that carried it before, Revelist asked sales assistants where it was - only to be told they had stopped selling it “months ago”.
The publication then contacted a spokesperson for the brand, and were informed that not a single NYC store sells sizes over a UK 14.
In the statement from H&M, the brand explained heir product range had grown over the past few years - including an extended offering of sportswear, beauty products and home goods.
“This means not all stores have room for all our fashion concepts,” the spokesperson said.
Instead, H&M advised plus size customers to shop at their online store which includes all fashion concepts and a broader range of sizes.
This is the second time H&M have come under fire for a lack of inclusivity.
While its campaign fronted by model Ashley Graham initially received praise for promoting body positivity, a backlash soon followed when shoppers read the ad’s small print: “Plus size will be sold exclusively on hm.com”.
The Huffington Post UK has reached out to H&M who declined to comment on whether plus sizes will be pulled from H&M stores in Britain.