Me, My Sis, Mum and Annie
How long have you been rebelling against your mum and her style? Conservative, sensible attire that felt boring and uninspiring, so out of trend and unfashionable. I'd like to propose to you that perhaps we've been seeing this classic look wrong all along. Perhaps, dare I say, our mothers are on to something and we've been missing the point. I believe, and it's a recent belief, that has come to me from becoming a mum myself that my beautiful mama and my granny Annie may be on to something and its time for me to stop rebelling and heed their advice.
So here are my seven reasons, taken from advice given to me over the years, as to why I think you should start dressing like your mum and I think these reasons, regardless of your age are going to help you to feel stylish and gorgeous everyday.
Wear Lipstick
It reminds us of all the kisses on the cheek that we've been given over the years encouraging us on our way, making us feel secure and ready to face the glorious challenges ahead but its also the quickest and fastest and probably most affordable way to update and refresh your look. Just don't forget to wipe the lipstick from your teeth!
Add more tailoring into your wardrobe.
Are you dressed for the job and life of your dreams. Do you desire being a stylish, well put together, purposeful dresser? If so the key to this is to add in some tailoring into your life, even if you live a very relaxed life. Your mum was correct when she used to tell you that 'you can be anything you want to be when you grow up'. So I encourage you to step away from the leggings, trainers and baggy t-shirts and add in blazers, long-line coats, tailored trousers and structured dresses and go take hold of those dreams.
Get dressed everyday and make everyday special.
Are you making everyday feel special? If not, why not? You deserve and are worthy of feeling gorgeous everyday. I believe we should add a bit of glam, sparkle and fun into our everyday lives. Annie holds her self to a high standard that she expects in everything she does and she is prepared for everything that may come her way. Get ready people your life is waiting for you!
Keep it classic.
If you've tried many trends over the years and you are still unsure of what your style is, what to buy or what to wear then perhaps it is time to go classic. Just like a good old G'n'T at 6pm; simple, fresh and classic can be the best option. Get the foundations right in your wardrobe so that you can then get more creative with your style and truly express yourself.
Stick to a colour palette.
Life is busy, get your wardrobe working for you by sticking with a colour palette that you love and brings out the emotions you want to feel on a day to day basis. The key to your success though is to be conscious of the colours you choose. Be purposeful with the colours you buy and be aware of what it missing in your wardrobe. A well balanced colour palate will mean everything works together and you will have something for every emotion.
Buy less, buy well, buy with focus.
It is well known that quality lasts, however I believe its a bit like falling love. Don't compromise on the enjoyment it (they) bring(s). When you buy something it must make you feel good, feel special, feel wonderful. Also a bit like finding a partner be discerning with what you want. No point dating a farmer when you hate the outdoors. Keep the focus on what is missing in your wardrobe and don't get sidetracked!
Keep your trousers and skirts high waisted.
"Have a little modesty dear." For the smoothest silhouette in all the land, heed your mothers advice and buy high rise trousers and skirts. If you're feeling particularly fancy I do suggest popping on a belt with those trousers and jeans to ensure that your heavenly bottom is kept snug and warm inside your trousers, truly enhanced by your attire.
So there it is, the 7 reasons to start dressing like your mum. Our mums have spend so long mastering their own look, they've done the trial and error, they've done the ground work and provided us with a foundation to work from so its probably best we save ourselves some time!
Happy Dressing.