Rejoice, people of England! The temperature's warming up and summer is nearly upon us... current rain spells aside, that is.
If, like us, you're sick of carrying an umbrella in May and want to get on with planning your hot-weather wardrobe then look no further than the Primark's amazing new summer 2015 range.
When you need some serious style on a not-so serious budget, Primark's your bag. Like an old friend, they're always there when you need them - offering up the latest catwalk looks at freakishly low prices, and their latest releases are more on-trend than ever.
From floaty gypsy sundresses to Alexa Chung-esque denim button-ups, there's something for everyone. We've especially got our eyes on the a-line suedette tunic, the perfect mini to throw on for an impromptu post-BBQ night out (weather permitting, of course).
It's honestly like someone dreamed up our perfect summer and made it a reality in the form of these clothes. Not to mention they start from just £10 which is, ironically, the average price of an umbrella.
We've picked out their 22 best summer dresses so you can scroll through and pretend you're in some sort of tropical paradise, which is kind of depressing if you think about it (but not as depressing as the fact that we don't already own them all).
If, like us, you're sick of carrying an umbrella in May and want to get on with planning your hot-weather wardrobe then look no further than the Primark's amazing new summer 2015 range.
When you need some serious style on a not-so serious budget, Primark's your bag. Like an old friend, they're always there when you need them - offering up the latest catwalk looks at freakishly low prices, and their latest releases are more on-trend than ever.
From floaty gypsy sundresses to Alexa Chung-esque denim button-ups, there's something for everyone. We've especially got our eyes on the a-line suedette tunic, the perfect mini to throw on for an impromptu post-BBQ night out (weather permitting, of course).
It's honestly like someone dreamed up our perfect summer and made it a reality in the form of these clothes. Not to mention they start from just £10 which is, ironically, the average price of an umbrella.
We've picked out their 22 best summer dresses so you can scroll through and pretend you're in some sort of tropical paradise, which is kind of depressing if you think about it (but not as depressing as the fact that we don't already own them all).
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