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How To Get Model Scouted: Top London Agency Storm Models Shares Expert Advice

Ever daydreamed about being stopped in the street by a model scout, who whisks you off to a life of runway shows and glitzy parties? It could just become a reality...

HuffPost UK Style have spoken exclusively to London model agency Storm Management to find out what they're looking for.

storm models
Storm model Ella Richards stars in the new Burberry autumn/winter 15 campaign

Storm has a history of scouting the world's most famous faces, with the likes of Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Jourdan Dunn, Anna Ewers (and many more Vogue cover stars) on their books.

When they're not managing fashion's finest, the modelling agency are dedicated to the development of their New Faces department - which sees them attending events, festivals and high streets all over the UK in search of the next big thing.

They've found new talent in supermarket queues, airports (like Ms Moss herself) and even Primark (ala Jourdan Dunn) - and say they "just never know" when they'll spot a potential new model.

So how do they choose who they approach?

You might be surprised, but it isn't all about height. There is no minimum height requirement listed on Storm's website, but there are some physical attributes at the top of their list.

"Apart from the obvious physical requirements like bone structure plus that key ingredient of being photogenic, we love people with personality, charisma, charm or style," a representative for the agency told us.

"We want people with something to say for themselves and a good work ethic is great too, but it’s not an exact science."

kate moss
Kate Moss was scouted by Storm at age 14 and today is one of the agency's most successful models

Storm have also brought street casting to the digital world by teaming up with app Feels (named after the online slang for "feelings").

Wannabe models and fashionistas can upload photos to the app wearing their favourite clothes, allowing the brands to directly select talent for castings and campaigns.

The entrepreneur behind the app, Dawson King, said: “For street casting, mobile makes perfect sense as consumers are already in effect 'modelling' for brands on social media; we simply act as a platform between the two."

feels app
Aspiring models can get scouted via the Feels app

The agency also warned youngsters to stay safe when entering the modelling world, and to be aware of scams and shady agencies.

Young teens and young adults should never pay upfront fees for portfolios if they join a model agency, they advise, and appointments to meet prospective agents should only be made with a parent or legal guardian – never alone.

Wannabes should check a model agency out via their website and see who else they represent to get an idea of their expertise and history.


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How To Look Like A Victoria's Secret Angel

Cara Delevingne's New Collaboration With Mulberry Is Here

Anyone seriously wanting to be discovered should send photos directly to Storm (they told us holiday snaps will do just fine), pop into their London offices, or post images on the Feels app.

Full guidelines and details are available at stormmanagement.com.

Beach Holiday Hacks: 15 Ways To Make Your Summer Go Smoothly

Go to the beach, they said. It will be fun, they said.

With exploding suncream, mosquito bites and sand in all the wrong places to contend with, it can be hard to actually relax on your summer beach getaway.

Luckily, the team at money saving site PromotionalCodes.org.uk have pulled together some hacks, including beauty tips to help soothe sunburn and stop basically everything in sight from sticking to your skin.

Whether you’re chilling on the British coast, or jetting off on an exotic vacay, ensure your holiday goes without a hitch with these top beach hacks:

1. Don’t forget the baby powder

Fed up of sandy skin after a day at the beach? Use baby powder to instantly dry out the sand that’s usually impossible to get rid of.

2. Keep sun cream separate

While grabbing a resealable bag for your electricals, bring an extra one to store your sun cream in. This way, you can avoid any stressful spillages in your bag.

3. Repel mosquitos by applying creamy baby oil

After a budget alternative to horrible smelling insect repellents? Try applying creamy baby oil to your skin – it’ll keep you moisturised, too.

4. Use yoghurt to treat sunburn

If you’ve forgotten the after-sun and aloe vera, natural yoghurt is your new best friend. It soothes burns and is easy to come by for holiday emergencies.

5. Place cotton pads in powders and blushes

Before throwing make-up into your beach bag, avoid damaging it by placing cotton pads into powder and blusher containers.

6. Use lemon juice to lighten hair

Give the sun a helping hand when it comes to hair lightening by adding some lemon to your hair before heading out; a definite money saver compared to salon highlights.

7. Use coconut oil to reduce frizzy hair

Keep your hair hydrated on the beach and avoid frizz by bringing coconut oil. Make a mix of coconut oil and water and spray it to your hair to keep it healthy – here’s where you could add your lemon for lightening, too.

8. Stock up on iced tea

Iced tea isn’t just for keeping hydrated - although that is a major bonus - it’s also great for soothing sunburnt skin. Dip a corner of your towel in the cool tea and place it on your sunburn for a soothing effect.

9. Leave your flip-flops face down

When you ditch your shoes at the beach, take the time to turn them face down to avoid uncomfortably hot feet when it’s time to leave.

10. Disguise your valuables

In the run-up to your trip, start saving empty sun cream bottles and lip balm containers to hold your keys and money while you’re at the beach.

11. Choose your snacks wisely

It’s easy to become dehydrated sat out in the sun, so make sure you’re snacking on fruit and veg to help you out along the way. These have more water in them than other options, plus you won’t feel guilty as you eat them.

12. Protect your phone in a resealable plastic bag

Keep sand and water out without having to leave your phone at the hotel by placing it inside a resealable plastic bag. You can even use the phone through the bag to keep it extra protected. Don’t forget to pack an additional bag for your camera, too.

13. Keep dryer sheets in your suitcase

Keeping dryer sheets with your clothes not only keeps everything fresh, they also help to repel insects when you’re out and about. Leave some with your towel and reduce the risk of insects approaching you on the beach.

14. Be sure to pack a book

While e-readers may be tempting because they’re light and easy to carry, this isn’t always an advantage. A traditional book has an extra purpose – it’ll weigh down your towel!

15. Make pockets in your beach towel

Stuck for storage? If your favourite beach tote bag is lacking in pockets, try adding some to your beach towel by simply sewing squares onto it.

Got all that? Now go forth and enjoy your holiday!


Plus Size Model Denise Bidot In Amazing 'Beach Body, Not Sorry' Campaign

You Know You're Too Old For Topshop When...

Ladies, This Underwear Wants To Banish Your Camel Toe

Beachy Waves Hair Tutorial: Get Alessandra Ambrosio's Summer Hair In 5 Simple Steps

Hankering after beachy waves, as seen on supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio?

While the Victoria's Secret star seems to spend approximately 99.9% of her time sipping coconuts beach-side in some exotic paradise (according to her Instagram, anyway), it's just not that effortless for the rest of us.

With summer finally here, HuffPost UK Style spoke to the hairdressers at Nicky Clarke who highlighted some top tips on how to recreate Ambrosio's hair (even when there's not a beach in sight):

A photo posted by @alessandraambrosio on

1. The night before creating your beachy look, give your hair a good wash and use an intense moisturising conditioner for extra shine.

2. The following morning, tong your hair using a good quality styling wand. For an organic tousled curl, tong the hair in opposite directions, allow the hair to set and cool down, then pull out the waves with your fingers.

beachy waves
Bed Head Totally Beachin' Conditioner, Diamond Shine Pro Salon Styling Wand (£34.99)

3. Set with hairspray to ensure your look lasts as long as possible.

4. At the end of the day, before you head out to enjoy the lighter, longer evenings, use an oil-based salt spray – a great product to replenish hair and make it feel fresher. Sea salt adds texture and volume to your hair, so play on this fact to enhance the tousled look.

beachy hair
Oribe Après Beach Spray (£34), Bumble and bumble Surf Infusion (£21.50)

5. If you want to maintain your beachy look for the following day, plait at night to keep the curls and avoid frizz.

Et Voilà! A beach-ready look any Angel would be proud of.


How To Look Like A Victoria's Secret Angel

15 Beach Holiday Hacks You Won't Know How You Lived Without

How To Keep Your Hair Clean At A Festival

Dollar Beard Club's New Advert Is The Perfect Lumbersexual Dream

Back in 2012, Dollar Shave Club released an advert that instantly went viral with their no-nonsense marketing. Now that big sexy lumberjack beards have become the norm, Dollar Beard Club have emerged to cater for the hairier demographic.

The website's founder Chris knows exactly what it's like to have an awesome beard. He knows how hard it is to find the time to maintain it.

"I get it, you have a beard. You're probably too busy doing stuff like riding your motorcycle, or swimming in a box full of women," he says.

That's where they come in. Dollar Beard Club will send you the finest beard products every month for just one dollar (if you're in the US or Canada). They plan to start shipping elsewhere next year.


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Lady Gaga's Dog Asia Stars In The New Coach Campaign

Not everyone's pets are fabulous enough to land starring roles in fashion ads, but not everyone is Lady Gaga...

The pop star's French bulldog Asia is one of several furry faces starring in "Coach Pups", Coach's fall 2015 campaign, launching this July.

Miss Asia Kinney (because she has to be full-named), also has her own Instagram account with 121k followers and is the inspiration behind Gaga's upcoming dog fashion line, which will feature pet clothing and accessories, toys and bowls.

Want to see more of Asia? Here are five times she was definitely fashionable than you:

1. When she rode around in style...

2. When she rocked pearls at a picnic...

3. When she had her own chair...

Havin lots puppy fun on set today. Excellent day, jus waiting for my latte ☕️

A photo posted by Miss Asia Kinney (@missasiakinney) on

4. When she rocked some sweet sunnies...

I love hanging out with mommy while she writes songs on piano. I sit real sweet on the bench like a good pig.

A photo posted by Miss Asia Kinney (@missasiakinney) on

5. When she was the only dog ever to successfully pull off a turban...

Getting ready for another day with mommy...❤️

A photo posted by Miss Asia Kinney (@missasiakinney) on


Lady Gaga's Wedding Dress Designer Is Revealed

Plus Size Model Denise Bidot In Amazing 'Beach Body, Not Sorry' Campaign

Lady Gaga Gives Herself A Make-Under (And We Love It)

In Defence of Doing Your Makeup on the Tube

As a real person with a real job, I know it's imperative I find some way to hide my rampant unprofessionalism and, for me, that means turning up to work with polished skin and perfect brows.

I just don't want to get up any earlier to do it...

We can't all be blessed with the Kardashian Khromosones or plucked from the same exquisite gene pool as Victoria's Secret models, so sometimes I like to draw on myself to feel better. But should that compromise my precious sleeping time?

I swear those extra few minutes in bed in the mornings make a difference and I'm not giving them up to "look more normal" or "not offend the people around me".

But in all seriousness, if I show up somewhere makeup-free you can bet someone will ask if I'm tired, or ill, or even just not recognise me at all.

To put things in perspective, I once showed up bare-faced to a uni lecture and was asked if I was in the right class. I had been, all year.

"No of course I didn't wake up in a bin three hours ago, I'm wearing concealer, idiots!"

Luckily, there is a middle ground, and you're probably sitting on it. Public transport.

According to the national office, the average UK commute is 54 minutes, with London dwellers facing 74 minutes of unadulterated sweaty-armpits-in-your-face-hell.

That's 74 whole minutes I could potentially not be conscious enough to comprehend the crushing responsibilities of adulthood.

And honestly, how else am I going to pass the time?

I'm on Tinder. I'm an X-factor judge with RSI. "It's a no from me". YOU: a gap year student in a v-neck vest with a drugged up tiger. ME: giving up all hope, roaming the streets like a female Joey Tribbiani. "Hot guy? Hot guy?", I call. There is no answer. There'll never be an answer. Drowned in a sea of epic banter and snowboarding photos.

No thanks. And I firmly believe anyone playing games on their phone is basically just a giant baby disguised as a functioning person.

The trouble is, applying makeup on the tube is apparently really rude. *cue one billion eye rolls*

According to modern manners experts Debretts, "applying make-up on public transport can jeopardise that all-important first impression and make you appear disorganised."

This may be true. While it does show you completely care about the opinion of everyone at your chosen destination, it also shows a wild disregard for the shits given by everyone else on the train.

I'm genuinely super sorry to that guy I spilt my loose powder all over that one time, but it was kind of his fault for sitting with his legs so far apart (your-ex wife was right, it's not that big).

OK, I'm not this crazy

But there's also another side...

Amidst the stares of disgust are some more stares as well. Stares of admiration (and not just the nod of solidarity you shoot at the woman doing her makeup across from you).

It takes a certain level of expertise to apply a smoothly drawn flick of liquid eyeliner in a moving carriage, so much so that I once got a ROUND OF APPLAUSE from a packed table on a London to Brighton Southern Service.

One man actually leant over to tell me what a stellar job I'd done, although that may have been a thinly veiled way of telling me how terrible I look without makeup.

The point is, it's a skill. A talent. It's a journey, in more ways than one. After enough practice I can now apply my makeup absolutely anywhere.

So really, it just boils down to asking some serious questions. Do you want to wake up earlier? Do you really care if everyone thinks you're insane? What day is it and who is that guy on your sofa?

The answer of course, is probably no. Also it's Wednesday, get it together.

Dem Guts Swimsuit Lets You Bare It All, Including Internal Organs

If you want to do the absolute all-time opposite of covering up on the beach this summer, this might be the swimsuit for you.

dem guts swimsuit

The Black Milk Dem Guts swimsuit is the perfect way to bare those internal organs you've been hiding all winter/your entire life up until this point in time.

It's been sold out on the Australian brand's website since launching last year but, despite being discontinued, is still alive and well on Amazon.com.

black milk swimsuit

Priced at just $8.81 (£5.62), we reckon it's a bit of a bargain. Even if it might scare off any nearby children.

(H/P: Buzzfeed.com)


Swimsuits Throughout History Show How Body Sizes Have Changed

Plus Size Model Denise Bidot In Amazing 'Beach Body, Not Sorry' Campaign

Why Today Is The Day You Should Buy A Bikini

Lily Allen Talks Fashion As She Shares Her Wardrobe With British Vogue

Lily Allen's style has always made a statement - from when she first burst onto the scene in her prom dress and trainers, to her dyed-in green roots today.

That's why we were so excited when we heard she'd let Vogue's contributing fashion editor into her much-coveted wardrobe for a nose around.

Bay Garnett grilled the pop star on her style secrets and shopping tips, all-the-while making us green with wardrobe envy.

The clothes...


The bags...


The shoes!!


Allen revealed she prefers to go shopping alone and even visits "stripper shops" to nab unique pieces.

"There's a time and a place for everything and I like to wear the wrong things in the wrong places," she said.

"Clothes should be a conversation point. If you're going to spend so much money on this stuff, people might as well talk about it."

She also revealed getting dressed for her isn't a very thought out process (but with a wardrobe bursting with vintage gems, we can totally see why).

But our personal highlight? When Lily showed off the "really heavy and really sharp" bag that Solange Knowles used when she "whacked Jay-z around the head in the elevator”. Priceless.


Lily Allen Is The New Face Of Vero Moda... And She Looks Amazing

This Swimsuit Really Lets You Bare It All

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The Imposters in the Aisles - Why It's Easy to Be Misled by Organic Shampoo

The number of beautiful, botanically-dressed products tempting your tresses on supermarket shelves might make you think that the shampoo industry is a nirvana of pure, healthy products.


This trend towards a desire for more natural body and hair care is a reflection of our increasing appetite for all things organic as evidence mounts that natural products provide effective solutions that decrease toxic stresses on our body and the planet.

In the UK alone there were a record 5500 searches on Google last month for 'organic shampoo'.

But beware of what you buy, particularly when it comes to organic. Unlike food, there's no legal requirement for shampoo and other toiletries to be independently certified as organic.

Brands can use a whiff of organic essential oil and all the usual shampoo chemicals and still call it organic. This loophole makes it all too easy for brands to 'green-wash' consumers with hair and body care that isn't as natural or organic as it looks.

For example, one high street health chain sells a range of shampoos that has Organic in its brand name, but doesn't actually say how much of the total product is organic. There's no certification, so no independent factory audit or formulation checks that would give the consumer any real guarantee that the ingredients are as organic, non-toxic or GM-free as the brand claims.

In fact, the brand would be within its rights to use just 1% organic ingredients. But would a consumer want to pay the same for a shampoo that was 1% organic compared to one that was 50% or more? Unlikely.

The inclusion of several organic ingredients isn't necessarily an indication that the rest of the shampoo has a clean slate either. Another widely available brand, let's call it Acme Organics, claims to use some organic plant extracts, but other ingredients wouldn't pass organic certification standards: Acme Organics uses the foam-booster Cocamide DEA, which is classified by the EWG as a moderate to high hazard due to its toxicity profile.

Shampoo is one of the trickiest products to formulate naturally, so even brands that have some certified organic products might not have certified their shampoos.

For example, one brand which has its skin care approved by French organic certifier Ecocert, has opted out of certification for its shampoo products - which contain the film-forming ingredients Acrylates Copolymer and Polyquaternium-7.

Synthetic film formers are not allowed in certified organic products because of concerns over skin sensitivity (and reproductive and eco toxicity in the case of quaternium compounds).

This 'halo effect' of partially certifying a range organic, and making the brand look more organic than it really is, makes life very confusing for the consumer. Not to mention unfair as we buy into a brand believing that we are paying extra for something purer, greener and healthier.

There are brands that produce real organic shampoo which is certified to the same rigorous standards as organic food. To find them, there's no substitute for scrutinising the label for a genuine certification logo (like the Soil Association one, below) if you want to be sure that you're getting your money's worth, and you've not just washed your hair in, well, a lot of green goo.


Contact Dermatitis, October 2007, pages 242-247

Victoria Beckham Sent Mock-Croc Vegan Birkin Bag By Animal Rights Group PETA

Victoria Beckham is known for her love of exotic-skin Birkin bags, but animal rights group PETA are hoping to change all that.

Aiming to make the pop star-turned-fashion designer opt for cruelty free fashion, PETA created a special edition "V"irkin handbag (the v is for vegan) in collaboration with Freedom for Animals - an H&M Conscious collection partner that's been dubbed the "Céline of vegan fashion" for its high-end, minimalist vegan designs.


The bag, which is completely vegan and made from mock-crock material, comes in the wake of a shocking exposé of Hermès' suppliers' cruelty to animals.

A new eyewitness investigation discovered the fashion house were sourcing skins from alligator and crocodile farms where animals were kept in poor and abusive conditions.


"Every Birkin bag means that a beautiful, sensitive animal suffered a miserable life and a gruesome death", says PETA director Mimi Bekhechi.

"PETA hopes the gorgeous 'V'irkin bag will inspire Victoria Beckham to embrace vegan fashion and leave all exotic-animal skins out of her wardrobe and clothing line, as she's already done with fur."


Victoria Beckham Donates Harper's Clothes For Charity, See All The Outfits Here

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Lady Gaga's French Bulldog Stars In Coach's New Campaign

Beards: Are They In Or Are They Out?

Beards have never been more popular. Or have they? It's a wildly confusing facial-hair shaped terrain out there.

Every day a new article seems to pop up on the subject. "Shave it off!" "Keep it on!" I'm exhausted, you guys. And I can't even grow one.

Website Mashable recently reported the so called Death Of The Beard, but a new study by male grooming brand Braun states that "beards have never been more popular" as 52% of British men now fashion some form of facial hair.


So if every man under the sun isn't shaving off their beard in a frantic bid to rid themselves of the hipster tag, what's driving them towards the lumbersexual look?

Apparently it's all for a shot at romance. Of those who took part in the study, 39% said having a beard made them feel more attractive to prospective partners.

Other positive consequences of having a beard included feeling more confident (30%), appearing more mature (43%), feeling more cool (26%) and feeling like an alpha male (19%).

What's more, 7% even claimed it had made them more successful at work (not sure how that one works).


This Video Perfectly Encapsulates What It's Like To Have A Beard

The Best Beard Oils And Why You Need Them

Watch How To Trim Your Own Beard At Home

If you're not a fan of the beard, you might not like the following statistic - while 14% would only keep theirs until it went out of fashion, 33% said they were keeping their fluffy face for life.

That's a whole lot of stubble rash to put up with...

But with the beared men questioned in the survey claiming it takes 67 whole days to grow "the perfect beard", it's most certainly a trend that takes commitment.

We thought we'd turn this one over to the experts: you. Have beards had their heyday? Or are you all for the lumbersexual movement? Vote in our poll below:

What Is Vitiligo? People Share Their Inspirational Quotes And Images On World Vitiligo Day

Vitiligo is a permanent skin condition that causes white patches to form due to the lack of a chemical called melanin. It's not exactly clear what causes this lack of melanin, but there's one thing we do know - vitiligo is beautiful.

Thousands of people have taken to social media today, the official World Vitiligo Day, to showcase their skin and what makes them unique.

Canadian supermodel Winnie Harlow features prominently in the posts, having made headlines with her incredible story of beating the bullies to become a world-famous catwalk star.

winnie harlow

"Growing up for me was extremely tough in a social sense, I was teased and ridiculed because of my skin," she wrote in a blog post on fabfem.co.uk.

Harlow proved that having vitiligo is no barrier to success in the fashion business, claiming that when she learned to love herself, "opportunities started to fall into my lap and I thank God for all of them."

Here's what some inspirational Instagram users had to say with the hashtag #WorldVitiligoDay:

regram @olorisupergal There is a lot of stigmatization that  surrounds #Vitiligo. The skin condition is caused by de-pigmentation of some parts of the skin and usually occurs when skin pigment cells die or are unable to function. This skin condition is rare with worldwide incidences averaging 1% with most people who are affected being diagnosed before the age of 40.  Temilola Omobajesu, a supermodel affected with vitiligo, states that the confidence within you is the key to overcome the 'stigma'. "It took me some years to really accept Vitiligo. Vitiligo affected my modelling dreams and aspirations. Most Directors and Agents would tell me they couldn’t work with me. Some would even say it to my face that they need girls with beautiful skin not my patches." Temilola has started Viti-Dence Foundation, an NGO dedicated to the morale boosting of people with vitiligo and workshops on how to live with vitiligo with confidence, hence the name Viti-Dence (#vitiligo / #confidence.) June 25th is World Vitiligo Day and Temilola celebrates it with an extensive photoshoot showcasing the confidence that says #InOurSkinWeWin! Today, Temilola is an accomplished supermodel, video vixen for several top music videos, and a make-up artiste. For information and support on Vitiligo, check the official page of VITI-DENCE on twitter and Instagram: @vitidence Email: vitidence@gmail.com You can also follow her: @temynikan Photography by @libarty_works Makeup by @looks_by_daphne @diphyna Costumes/Styling by @fabriquebyfabz : Spongebob tee from @michaelfreesoul #WorldVitiligoDay #VitiligoNation #VitiligoCommunity #Vitidence #vitiligoworld #VitiligoBeauty #VitiligoDay #SpreadTheMessage #Showyoursupport

A photo posted by Anita Ifeoma Isedeh (@omaliicha) on

DIFFERENT! !! The color of my skin is two colors, not one. People stare at my skin like it is strange or it stung. I felt out of place like a weed in a garden. Its tough to live like this, but I still have pardon. I have friends and family that love and care. Whenever am sad about it, they are always there. There's no need to cry over the differences I have. All I know is am never alone and God is my path. He shows me way around the sadness He helps me become stronger and fearless I stand proud In my place, whether people like it or not I maybe different but that doesn't make me stop People, like me, I know how you feel And am here to help you and show you God's will God doesn't do things without a reason That's why I like being an inspiring person You don't need to feel embarrassed about your skin Embrace your diversity Because magnitude comes from within The people may stare , they may point, completely stunned But this isn't a mistake Your journey's just began #VITILIGO #CONFIDENCE #VITIDENCE #INOURSKINWEWIN #SKINTHATISART #SUPPORTVITILIGO #WORLDVITILIGODAY #JUNE25TH #VITILIGOTEAM #TEAMVITILIGO #VITILIGONATION #VITILIGODAY

A photo posted by Vitiligo Awareness (@vitidence) on

#WorldVitiligoDay Embrace Your Skin ❤️❤️❤️ #perfectlyimperfect #vitiligo

A photo posted by B-Dub (@a_co_breezy) on


Winnie Harlow Wins Beauty Award (And We Couldn't Be More Chuffed For Her)

How To Get Scouted By A Modelling Agency

Plus Size Model Denise Bidot In Amazing 'Beach Body, Not Sorry' Campaign

Lady Gaga Wears Explicit Disney T-Shirt, But Has The Pop Star Gone Too Far?

Lady Gaga has never been afraid to shock when it comes to her fashion choices, but even by her standards her latest outfit is pretty outrageous... and not in a good way.

The singer stepped out in New York yesterday wearing what can only be described as an incredibly explicit t-shirt (and we thought the meat dress was bad).

lady gaga

Yep, that's definitely Snow White having an orgy with the Seven Dwarfs, and we're not sure it looks consensual.

Could it be that Gaga's out to ruin all of our childhood memories? Or is she just stuck for a way to make headlines?

lady gaga

What has been seen cannot be unseen.


Lady Gaga Returns To Her Old Self As She Ditches Demure Look

Lady Gaga's French Bulldog Stars In Coach's New Campaign

This Swimsuit Really Lets You Bare It All

Chanel: The Epitome of Style

There is something impeccably beautiful about this French high fashion house; it is like no other. Every single Chanel piece is expertly crafted, exuding timelessness, elegance and femininity. Almost a century later, the luxury brand still captures Gabrielle Chanel's vision, "Chanel is above all a style. Fashion passes, style remains." The little black dress, tweed suit, quilted handbag with gold chain, costume pearls, two-tone pumps and rouge lipstick remain as iconic as they did in the 1900's, seamlessly managing to embody a contemporary edge. Her use of clean lines, a monochrome palette and traditional fabrics: tweed, wool, silk, jersey, cotton and leather, remain at the forefront of Chanel's designs, whilst incorporating modernity through accents of colour, statement embellishments, new cuts and different textures.

"Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance." - Gabrielle Chanel

Gabrielle Chanel's ability to create functional, simplistic, yet chic garments is unprecedented. She stripped back the excessive decoration, frills and fuss and created well-constructed staple pieces, namely the tweed suit and the infamous little black dress. She also revolutionised the typical restrictive 'corseted' silhouette of the time, drawing on masculine influences such as trousers and placing an emphasis on comfort.

"A beautiful dress may look beautiful on a hanger, but that means nothing. It must be seen on the shoulders, with the movement of the arms, the legs, and the waist." - Gabrielle Chanel

In addition to its quintessential classic couture, the interlocking C's boast further desirability through their exclusivity. Chanel is very selective about where its creations can be purchased and through which platforms. Even in today's modern world, the fashion house continues to sell its clothing through its boutiques, choosing not to enter the world of e-commerce, but to promote a tangible, sophisticated and distinctive experience. The luxury brand strives to preserve its bespoke service, whereby consumers can fully indulge in the world of Chanel, engaging their senses: discovering the different textures and feeling and viewing the garments on their skin.

"A woman who doesn't wear perfume has no future." - Gabrielle Chanel

Chanel's fragrance and beauty collection is no less desirable than its clothing and accessories. The packaging is as flawless, timeless and luxurious as her signature tweed suit. Opulent black lacquered compacts with white and gold monogrammed Chanel logos and clean-cut crystal perfume bottles adorn the beauty counters, the essence of Gabrielle Chanel present in every single one. The most iconic of them all is Chanel No.5, one of the bestselling perfumes of all time. 95 years on and its design still remains almost untouched in its rectangular shaped translucent glass bottle with amber coloured liquid and black and white label. Her practical, simplistic, avant-garde approach to fashion, uninhibited by the structured bodice, is reflected in the shape of the bottle. Her strength and determination to change the face of style resonates in the label, being the first designer to brand perfume with her own name. Furthermore, Gabrielle Chanel was the first to use synthetic ingredients in fragrance, creating a longer lasting, stable, unique and intense scent.

Unquestionably, Gabrielle Chanel is the most influential designer to have graced the fashion world.

Best Sunglasses 2015: Our Pick Of The Summer's Most Desirable Shades

No summer wardrobe is complete without a new pair of statement sunglasses and this season's shades are more eye-catching than ever.

Think mirrored lenses in bright hues, tortoiseshell, round frames and cat eye styles.


No time to trawl through thousands of pairs? No problem!

In celebration of National Sunglasses Day on 27th June, we've rounded up this season's best shades - and with prices ranging from under £15 to designer finds at £210, there's something for every budget.

Need more convincing? It's actually been proven that sunglasses make you more attractive (yes, really).

Check out our pick of the summer's coolest eye-wear:


15 Beach Holiday Hacks You Won't Know How You Lived Without

This Swimsuit Really Lets You Bare It All

Hair Tutorial: 5 Simple Steps To Beachy Waves

Glastonbury 2015 Fashion: See What The Campers Are Wearing This Year

Since gates opened at 8am on Wednesday, Glastonbury goers have been roaming the hallowed fields decked out in their festival finest.

But it's more than wellies, waterproofs and flower crowns...

Take a look at the summer style on show in this new video - find out what this year's campers are wearing and hear their Glastonbury fashion tips.

glastonbury 2015

There's been no Native American headdresses spotted after they were banned last year, nor the controversial “rape” t-shirts banned at Coachella.

(Still a lot of flower crowns though.)


Festival Makeup Tips And The Best Beauty Products To Pack

This Summer's Best Sunglasses, From High Street To Designer

How To Keep Your Hair Clean At A Festival

Taylor Swift Style Evolution: See Her Hottest Ever Fashion Moments

Taylor Swift's style evolution from teen queen to bona fide pop star has been well documented from her very first album release back in 2006.

Now, nearly 10 years later, she's swapped the cowboy boots for crop tops and made her name as one of the most fashionable faces on the planet.

While her signature feminine style is known for lighting up the red carpet, not a day goes by where Swift doesn't set foot outside her apartment in an adorable and accessible new get up.

taylor swift

But it's not just about making the best dressed lists for Taylor, who revealed back in 2011 in an interview on 60 Minutes that she takes the responsibility of being a role model seriously.

"I definitely think about a million people when I am getting dressed in the morning," she said.

"That's just part of my life now. I think it's my responsibility to know it and to be conscious of it."

Yet another example of the lengths Swift will go to look after her fans (it's not every day your favourite artist invites you to their house and bakes you cookies).

Along with her numerous charitable pursuits, the 25-year-old singer is always finding ways to give back to her biggest supporters - hitting the headlines for her acts of kindness almost as frequently as her much-discussed love life.

Taylor uses her hugely popular social networks (she has amassed a total following of over 140 million) to form relationships with fans, re-blogging their posts, making them break-up playlists and leaving comments with Swift-style sweet (and heartfelt) relationship advice.

So in honour of Swifty's inimitable fashion sense, check out our round up of her best looks ever (including some of the former country sweetheart's very first sequins):


Taylor Makes Adorable Nod To Calvin Harris During '1989' Gig

Taylor Swift Brands Apple 'Shocking And Disappointing' In Streaming Dispute

Katy Perry To Fire Back At Taylor Swift With New Song?

How to Survive Milan Fashion Week

(Image Credit: Finbarr Toesland)

Not content with being just one of the Big Four global fashion capitals alongside New York, London and Paris, Milan deftly manages to offer some of the most exciting and innovative cuisine to be found in Europe. Thoughts of Milan as an 'industrial' city, full of concrete buildings, which lack the more refined elegance of Rome or the wondrous scenery of Tuscany have been firmly left in the past, thanks in part to the arrival of World Expo 2015 and the Salone del Mobile design fair.

Milan Fashion Week is unquestionably one of the most important dates in the fashion calendar, with industry insiders from Anna Dello Russo to Daisy Lowe coming from around the world to grace the Front Row. Fashion week can be a rather daunting experience for the uninitiated, with the seemingly endless back-to-back shows, dinners and afterparties draining even the most energetic fashionista, especially in the almost 40°C heat Milan ever so kindly provides.

When it comes to traditional dining options the elite of media, fashion and society flock to the opulent Ristorante da Giacomo, designed by Renzo Mongiardino, who has been hailed as an exceptional twentieth century designer. We quickly decided on the Garganelli with little squids and mullet roe, spider crab salad in Veneziana style and Giacomo's bomb. The quality of ingredients in all the dishes was clear to taste, with Giacomo's bomb being an indulgent treat to finish off the lunch.

(Image Credit: Finbarr Toesland)

Although we reached our seats just after the restaurant opened its doors at 12:30pm, within a mere 15 minutes the well-heeled fellow diners had already packed most of the eatery. The sudden influx of customers was well received, as we were beginning to feel rather self-conscious with four waiters floating solely around our table. The atmosphere is the real reason why Giacomo appears to be so oversubscribed, particularly due to the eclectic decor.

Next on the itinerary was Mantra Raw Vegan, which describes itself as 'the restaurant that does not cook anything'. I must admit to being somewhat apprehensive before visiting Mantra, as I had not been exposed to a great deal of vegan food previously, let alone raw vegan cuisine. The kelp noodles with pepper cream and chocolate brownie stuck out to us on the menu, with the next two dishes newly created by the chef showing an experimental streak.

(Image Credit: Finbarr Toesland)

Mantra's skill is not to simply make good vegan dishes, but good food, full stop. While I personally enjoyed all four courses, my dining companion, who happens to be vegan, found some of the tastes to be a little too variety and busy for her palate. The unusual White Charcoal water filter, which is meant to naturally adsorb impurities from water and release vital minerals, is certainly an interesting talking point for the table.

A mix of models, designers, bankers and socialites manage to muster enough energy to have late night rendezvouses at Just Cavalli Milano, which unlike many other designer branded night clubs always stays seasonal, with the decor being changed every season to ensure trends are followed exactingly. The location within the largest city park in Milan, Parco Sempione, gives Just Cavalli a distinctively exclusive and hidden away vibe.

(Image Credit: Just Cavalli Milano)

For the morning after the night before Pavé, in the up and coming Porta Venezia area, provides much needed respite from the bustling city streets, with the homely and friendly feel it offers. This pastry and bakery shop has already been recognised as one of the 20 best bakeries in Italy by food and wine magazine Gambero Rosso and is currently looking for another location in Milan to expand into.

(Image Credit: Finbarr Toesland)

Fendi was a standout show with designer Silvia Fendi saying after the presentation that "these are just young, everyday basics, done in a more sophisticated way." Models entered on a faux-wet granite runway, as Silvia placed synthetic and organic materials against one another, blurring the difference between the two. Although the pieces were minimalist in nature, the fabrics used betrayed the understated design. The Roman house turned potentially unglamorous looks into luxe items for the everyman inside consumers who pay far much more than everyday prices.

(Image Credit: Finbarr Toesland)

(Image Credit: Finbarr Toesland)

The commercially focused collection saw the addition of the "Bug" mascot to two bomber jackets, amidst the unstructured and boxy silhouettes on display. The craftsmanship took priority in the menswear pieces, with the oversized tees and sweatpants still appearing meticulously constructed.

(Image Credit: Finbarr Toesland)

Backstage saw Fendi family scion Delfina Delettrez and Leonetta Luciano mingle with Breaking Bad's RJ Mitte, who also opened the Vivienne Westwood show, and Boyhood's Ellar Coltrane, while discussing the latest collection.


(Image Credit: Finbarr Toesland)

Glastonbury 2015 Fashion: All The Best Celebrity Looks From The Festival

Glastonbury 2015 may have come to an end last night, but we're still checking out the attendees' festival fashion to get some summer wardrobe inspo.

A mix of sunny and rainy spells (well, it wouldn't be Glastonbury without them) called for a versatile mix of looks, although Hunter wellies still reigned supreme as the festival goer's footwear of choice.

From Alexa Chung's shimmering silver mini dress, to Daisy Lowe's ridiculously covetable jumpsuit collection, we've scoured Instagram for the best celebrity looks on show at Worthy Farm.

Alexa Chung

Cheer up London! @slaves

A photo posted by Alexa (@chungalexa) on

Alexa Chung and Pixie Geldof

Yeahhhh by @drewpsie @pixiegeldof

A photo posted by Alexa (@chungalexa) on

Alexa Chung, Poppy and Cara Delevingne


A photo posted by Alexa (@chungalexa) on

Poppy Delevingne

#PartnerInCrime #Glastonbury2015

A photo posted by Poppy Delevingne (@poppydelevingne) on

Caroline Flack and Laura Whitmore

Found Whitmore

A photo posted by caroline (@flackcaroline) on

Laura Whitmore


A photo posted by thewhitmore (@thewhitmore) on

Daisy Lowe and Nick Grimshaw

Getting my head in the clouds @nicholasgrimshaw ☀️

A photo posted by daisylowe (@daisylowe) on

Daisy Lowe

Diana Vickers

Zebra ❤️ #ootd @dreamsisterjane of course @5thhouseprgirls

A photo posted by dianavickersofficial (@dianavickersofficial) on

Gigi Hadid

then we went to Glastonbury..

A photo posted by Gigi Hadid (@gigihadid) on

Nick Grimshaw and pals

We had THE best time at Glastonbury. "It's the most wonderful time...of the year!" ❤️

A photo posted by nicholasgrimshaw (@nicholasgrimshaw) on


Glastonbury Campers Show Off Their Fashion

This Summer's Best Sunglasses, From High Street To Designer

How To Keep Your Hair Clean At A Festival

Glastonbury Street Style 2015: Fashionable Festival Goers

Another Glastonbury bites the dust. Whether it was Kanye forgetting the words to Queen, or Florence paying homage to Foo Fighters, the weekend saw a lot of memorable moments.

Not forgetting the fashion - thousands of festival goers brought their style A-game to Worthy Farm, rocking some of the best Glastonbury looks we've seen so far (and giving us major festival FOMO in the process).

Want some summer wardrobe inspo? Check out our favourite street style looks below:


The Coolest Celebrity Outfits At Glastonbury

Glastonbury Campers Show Off Their Fashion

How To Keep Your Hair Clean At A Festival

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